The source and goal of all we do at St. John’s is our corporate worship of God, who draws us together as one.
Sundays at 9:30 am
Do join us in person for worship at 9:30 am on Sundays. You may also join our services online via Google Meet.
Worship with us online
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 374 571 883 9982#
More phone numbers:
Several of you asked for the sermon that Margaret read during our service on Sunday. It is from “Sermons That Work” and may be found here.
Hymns reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, License #731917-A. All rights reserved.
Anthem streaming permission granted by St. James Music Press, account 21548
Worship During the Week
Compline: We offer a weekly online service of Compline at 8 pm each Tuesday. This service is found in The Book of Common Prayer or you can download it below. Email the office if you would like to receive weekly reminders for this service.
Compline: Tuesdays at 8:00 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 910-745-6756 PIN: 169 833 133#
More phone numbers:
Noonday Prayers: Join us for this brief service in the Chapel or online on Facebook Live Mondays through Thursdays when the office is open. The videos also remain on the church’s Facebook page for one week.
Morning Prayer as a Diocesan Community
This liturgy offers an opportunity for connection across the 10 counties and nearly 200 congregations of the Diocese of New York.
About Our Worship
Our worship during the week and on Sundays owes its beauty and depth to the structure and content of The Book of Common Prayer, our primary source and guide. We use the Revised Standard Lectionary to determine our Scripture readings, which are supplied to the congregation to be able to read as well as hear. We use The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible for the translation of our texts. Our music comes from various standard sources, including The Hymnal 1982 (the current Episcopal hymnal), Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Voices Found, and Wonder Love and Praise.
We are blessed with individuals who serve in various capacities in preparation for or during our worship: Acolytes, Altar Guild, Cantors, Choir, Clergy, Eucharistic Ministers, Intercessors, Lectors, Tech Ministers, Ushers, and Worship Leaders. These ministers contribute to our collective experience of worship, which we hope to be both fluid and powerful as we come together to worship God. Read more on our Worship Ministries page.
We have Blended Worship where you may join us in person or online via Google Meet. Access to online worship for Sunday is updated each week, with both the link to the active worship as well as the Order of Worship we are following (which can be opened in another window or printed out to have at the time.)
When we come together to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, St. John's welcomes all to come forward to the altar at the designated time. All baptized persons (regardless of age or denominational affiliation) are welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you do not wish to receive Communion, you are welcome to receive a blessing which you may communicate at the time. It is the custom at St. John’s for children to begin to receive the Eucharist as soon as they are baptized. We have gluten-free wafers available; please indicate this to the clergy or usher.