We encourage you to read the Annual Report before the meeting on Sunday and come with your questions!
As specified by State and Church Canonical laws and the Parish Bylaws, St. John's holds an annual parish meeting in the month of January. An Annual Report is presented to the Parish. Typical items presented at an annual meeting are the election of wardens and members of the vestry, and amendments to the bylaws. The year end financial and endowment fund reports and the parish budget for the upcoming year are also presented, as are reports from wardens and committees. The agenda items for consideration are distributed two weeks in advance of the parish and other reports are made available to the parish at the meeting. Following each annual meeting, newly elected wardens, and vestry members are commissioned.
Annual Parish Meeting and Vestry
The elected Lay Leadership of the Parish consists of the Wardens and Vestry
Senior Warden, Kacy Coyle Dow; Junior Warden, Dong Zhang
Members of the Vestry for 2025
Class of 2026: Terry Deasy, Valerie Powers
Class of 2027: Sarah Mistele, Bob Schugmann
Class of 2028: Barbara Francis-Hylton, Benedicta Obuamah
Lay leadership of St. John’s is the Vestry (the board of trustees of the Parish Corporation) consisting of church wardens and vestry members. The Vestry acts as legal representatives of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the Parish to its clergy; selects new clergy leadership when necessary; reviews the Diocesan Budget; and determines that appropriate programs, policies and procedures are developed and are followed. The Parish bylaws were last updated in 2021.
The Wardens act as coordinators between the clergy and the parishioners; make arrangements for services, pastoral care and crisis ministry in the absence of the Rector; and in the absence of the Rector, announce any Parish Corporation Meetings, annual or otherwise.
St. John’s has two church wardens (two-year terms) and six vestry members (three-year terms) elected by qualified voters at the Annual Parish Meeting and serving with staggered terms.
Each Vestry member serves as liaison to a parish committee: Finance, Fundraising, Fellowship, Buildings & Grounds, Christian Growth & Development, Outreach.
The entire Vestry serves as the Stewardship Committee. The Executive Committee (Wardens, Treasurer and Clerk) handle property issues, finances, general administration and matters that come up between vestry meetings.