St. John’s is supported financially by members and friends who value the mission, witness, and worship of the Episcopal Church in New City. This support makes it possible for the church to be a sanctuary for all. The open doors of the building, the open hearts of the people, and the desire for all to thrive in the Kingdom of God, make St. John’s a place where all may enter, rest, pray, and grow in the beauty of God’s holiness.

We invite our members, friends, and neighbors to be an active part of this support by making an annual pledge to the operating budget of the church, or by making recurring or one-time gifts. There are different ways to give, as described below, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Parish Administrator.

Give Online

Make a contribution to St. John's

Use our secure site for payment. You will be asked for your email address and credit card information. (You can also use Apple Pay on your phone.) We will assume it is a payment towards your pledge unless you specify otherwise under "4. Additional information". Other ministries to which you might give include: Outreach, Christian Formation, Fundraising, Endowment, Fellowship, Technology, and Buildings and Grounds, Please contact the office if you have questions. Note that using Stripe (the online platform) does charge the church a convenience fee.

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Online Bill Pay

Set this up with your bank to issue checks to St. John’s and they will send them directly to the church.

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Check written and mailed to St. John’s

made payable to St. John’s Episcopal Church and sent to:

St. John’s Episcopal Church

365 Strawtown Road

New City, New York 10956

Would you like to pledge for 2025?

See our Stewardship Page