Designated Funds

Below are listed our special designated funds. These are separate from the parish budget. The Vestry determines disbursements from these funds as needs arise. You may make donations to any of them at any time. Just list the name of the fund in the memo line of your check or in #4 (Additional Information) if giving online.

Building and Grounds Fund

The F. Gordon Coyle Buildings and Grounds Fund is used for special projects outside our budgeted property-related  line items to maintain and improve our physical plant. Building Fund envelopes are in the narthex for your contributions. 


The discretionary fund is used by our clergy (or by the wardens during the interim period) to address needs among parish and community members. Payments for food, rent, utilities, medical bills, and the like for persons in need are typical uses of these funds. The fund is separate from the rest of the parish accounts.


St. John’s Episcopal Church Endowment Fund was established in 1999 to enable the Parish to fulfill its mission more completely than would be possible solely through its annual operating funds. Additional contributions may be made to the Endowment Fund which is managed by the Diocesan Investment Trust.

Hunger Fund

This fund is used for projects for hunger ministry beyond the outreach line item in our budget. There are envelopes in the narthex for gifts to the Hunger Fund.

Memorial Funds

Memorial Funds have recently been used for various projects ranging from purchasing fans, altar linens, and hymnals to replacing cracked windows on the south wall of the nave. They can be made in memory of a loved one at any time. 

Resurrection Garden

Donations to this fund are used for the ongoing care of the Resurrection Garden. We are in the process of building up this fund so that we can work on a landscaping design for the Resurrection Garden.

Technology Fund

Donations to the Brissett-Blake Technology Fund will contribute to maintaining our excellent technology at St. John’s that we use in worship and in the offices. There are envelopes in the narthex for gifts to the Technology Fund.