Paving The Way for St. John's future
2016 was a very significant year in the history of St. John’s as we marked our 150th anniversary. In preparation we replaced our front and back cement walkways with Cambridge pavers, and we are offering parishioners and friends of St. John’s this final opportunity to have additional pavers engraved as thanksgivings or memorials.
This is your opportunity to make a lasting tribute and legacy at St. John’s. Pavers may be personalized with names, dates, special occasions or memories. For example, you can remember loved ones or parishioners who have died; give special recognition and thanks to a family member or friend; commemorate a special event such as a birthday, baptism or wedding; celebrate a precious memory; recall a hymn or psalm with special meaning to you; give a gift, such as for Mother’s or Father’s Day; or to honor your family name.
Some important things to remember about pavers:
- Pavers are 6” x 9”, with a maximum of 3 lines of engraving and 16 characters per line (including spaces).
- The cost of these additional pavers is $150.
- You cannot specify where pavers will be placed or that certain pavers will be located together.
Please prayerfully consider this program and help pave the way for future generations who come to worship at St. John’s.
The best way to request pavers is to use the form below, which will be automatically forwarded to the parish office when you press submit. You may also e-mail the necessary information to Or, as another alternative, you can pick up a form from the narthex and turn the completed form in to the Church office. If you would like more than one paver, please complete a separate form for each.
After filling out the form below, please turn in your check for $150 per paver to the Church office, and be sure to include “Paver” and your envelope number on the memo line. All payments and forms are due April 29.
You may e-mail the church office or call 845-634-3601 with any questions.
Thank you in advance for considering this gift to St. John’s and leaving a lasting legacy.